Dynamics 365 Customer Insights helps to enhance consent management

by Admin Admin

When we talk about customer-owned data, confidentiality and compliance are first and foremost taken into account. In today's privacy-critical world, consent funnels are just as important as shopping sequences. Working to create a focused and personalized experience, customer consent for all processes, without exception, where data is used.

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights offers new consent features that can be considered by marketers and business analysts. Administrators have rights to connect and configure the use of rules. You don't need to write any code for this. The features described are available in preview in wave 2 of the 2021 release.

Segmentation and the rules of consent

Additional consent enablement capabilities enable Customer Insights to provide rich data management. Namely, their collection, unification, enrichment. Working with data begins in the self-service data preparation services in the Consent Center. Users can map the integrated consent data with the actions and rules of inclusion or exclusion. Then these rules can be used to control business processes.

Data analysts also have opportunities to capitalize on innovation. They will have the ability to include consent data for training and help improve the predictions and accuracy of machine learning models. For example, this will affect metrics such as customer churn and customer lifetime value (CLV).

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